A.through B.across
C.on D.over
答案D A。across,over和through三个词在使用时要注意:across指平面延伸,over则不可,through指立体空间的延伸,通过等。
例二 请回答下面三个题目
1. The accident is reported to have occurred _______
2.The sunlight came in ________the windows in the roof and lit up the whole room.
A.through B.across
C.on D.over
答案D A。across,over和through三个词在使用时要注意:across指平面延伸,over则不可,through指立体空间的延伸,通过等。
例二 请回答下面三个题目
1. The accident is reported to have occurred _________the first Sunday in Fepuary.
A.at B.on C.in D.to
2. John became a football coach in Sealion Middle School___the beginning of March.
A. on B. for C. with D. at
3. Fireworks were lit long before the moon came out. The big noise pought people out the warm night to enjoy the interesting scene.
A. into B. at C. of D. from
答案BDA。涉及到时间,分别使用了不同的介词。具体日期前用on,月份年份前用in。开始时间at the beginning。进入到深夜into the night。
从上面的讲解,同学们不难看出,介词部分的复习,要紧紧把握好介词相关的搭配结构,采取有效的记忆方法,是完全可以掌握好这部分知识的。 (南开中学 段胜利)
2.The sunlight came in ________the windows in the roof and lit up the whole room.
A.through B.across
C.on D.over
答案D A。across,over和through三个词在使用时要注意:across指平面延伸,over则不可,through指立体空间的延伸,通过等。
例二 请回答下面三个题目
1. The accident is reported to have occurred _________the first Sunday in Fepuary.
A.at B.on C.in D.to
2. John became a football coach in Sealion Middle School___the beginning of March.
A. on B. for C. with D. at
3. Fireworks were lit long before the moon came out. The big noise pought people out the warm night to enjoy the interesting scene.
A. into B. at C. of D. from
答案BDA。涉及到时间,分别使用了不同的介词。具体日期前用on,月份年份前用in。开始时间at the beginning。进入到深夜into the night。
从上面的讲解,同学们不难看出,介词部分的复习,要紧紧把握好介词相关的搭配结构,采取有效的记忆方法,是完全可以掌握好这部分知识的。 (南开中学 段胜利)
2.The sunlight came in ________the windows in the roof and lit up the whole room.
A.through B.across
C.on D.over
答案D A。across,over和through三个词在使用时要注意:across指平面延伸,over则不可,through指立体空间的延伸,通过等。
例二 请回答下面三个题目
1. The accident is reported to have occurred _________the first Sunday in Fepuary.
A.at B.on C.in D.to
2. John became a football coach in Sealion Middle School___the beginni
ng of March.A. on B. for C. with D. at
3. Fireworks were lit long before the moon came out. The big noise pought people out the warm night to enjoy the interesting scene.
A. into B. at C. of D. from
答案BDA。涉及到时间,分别使用了不同的介词。具体日期前用on,月份年份前用in。开始时间at the beginning。进入到深夜into the night。
从上面的讲解,同学们不难看出,介词部分的复习,要紧紧把握好介词相关的搭配结构,采取有效的记忆方法,是完全可以掌握好这部分知识的。 (南开中学 段胜利)
2.The sunlight came in ________the windows in the roof and lit up the whole room.
A.through B.across
C.on D.over
答案D A。across,over和through三个词在使用时要注意:across指平面延伸,over则不可,through指立体空间的延伸,通过等。
例二 请回答下面三个题目
1. The accident is reported to have occurred _________the first Sunday in Fepuary.
A.at B.on C.in D.to
2. John became a football coach in Sealion Middle School___the beginning of March.
A. on B. for C. with D. at
3. Fireworks were lit long before the moon came out. The big noise pought people out the warm night to enjoy the interesting scene.
A. into B. at C. of D. from
答案BDA。涉及到时间,分别使用了不同的介词。具体日期前用on,月份年份前用in。开始时间at the beginning。进入到深夜into the night。
- 上一篇
新学期第一次月考结束了,在期中考前,高三生复习应该如何复习?伊顿名师提醒广大高考生还是以梳理基础知识为主,注意对知识的归纳与总结,还要 注意分析知识点横向与纵向的联系,明确内涵和外延,形成系统的知识框架。高三生应该认真对待期中考试,但也不必过于紧张和焦虑。通过这次考试主要来检验自 己是否已经适应了高三的教学模式,找出问题,并找到解决问题的方法。考生如果考不好,说明还没有掌握适合的学习方法,这次考试只代表半个学期的学习情况, 并不能代表整个高三的学业水平,考得不理想还可以通过下阶段的努力提高成绩。 语文多练
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看到这个题目,或许有人会以为我在制造紧张,其实不是的,当然,看过以后再作评论还不迟。 在现实的高考备考中,很多考生、老师以及家长几乎一无例外地认为,高考复习就是要知识过关,能力提升,方法到位,同时心理素质也要过硬。这有什么错呢?没有。可许多年的高考备考,师生们总遇到这样一种尴尬:老师讲了很多,学生练了更多,可总感觉收效甚微。其结果是学生急,老师怨,家长躁。 是什么原因导致这样的结果呢? 原来对于高考复习,很多考生在片面认识的泥潭中不能自拔,在顽固的陋习中作着机械的重复运动!这就是我所谓的“高考