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2020-08-28 09:15:02复习方法30
2.The sunlight came in ________the windows in the roof and lit up the whole room.
A.through B.across
C.on D.over
答案D A。across,over和through三个词在使用时要注意:across指平面延伸,over则不可,through指立体空间的延伸,通过等。
例二 请回答下面三个题目
1. The accident is reported to have occurred _______

2.The sunlight came in ________the windows in the roof and lit up the whole room.

A.through B.across

C.on D.over

答案D A。across,over和through三个词在使用时要注意:across指平面延伸,over则不可,through指立体空间的延伸,通过等。

例二 请回答下面三个题目

1. The accident is reported to have occurred _________the first Sunday in Fepuary.

A.at B.on C.in D.to

2. John became a football coach in Sealion Middle School___the beginning of March.

A. on B. for C. with D. at

3. Fireworks were lit long before the moon came out. The big noise pought people out the warm night to enjoy the interesting scene.

A. into B. at C. of D. from

答案BDA。涉及到时间,分别使用了不同的介词。具体日期前用on,月份年份前用in。开始时间at the beginning。进入到深夜into the night。

从上面的讲解,同学们不难看出,介词部分的复习,要紧紧把握好介词相关的搭配结构,采取有效的记忆方法,是完全可以掌握好这部分知识的。 (南开中学 段胜利)


2.The sunlight came in ________the windows in the roof and lit up the whole room.

A.through B.across

C.on D.over

答案D A。across,over和through三个词在使用时要注意:across指平面延伸,over则不可,through指立体空间的延伸,通过等。

例二 请回答下面三个题目

1. The accident is reported to have occurred _________the first Sunday in Fepuary.

A.at B.on C.in D.to

2. John became a football coach in Sealion Middle School___the beginning of March.

A. on B. for C. with D. at

3. Fireworks were lit long before the moon came out. The big noise pought people out the warm night to enjoy the interesting scene.

A. into B. at C. of D. from

答案BDA。涉及到时间,分别使用了不同的介词。具体日期前用on,月份年份前用in。开始时间at the beginning。进入到深夜into the night。

从上面的讲解,同学们不难看出,介词部分的复习,要紧紧把握好介词相关的搭配结构,采取有效的记忆方法,是完全可以掌握好这部分知识的。 (南开中学 段胜利)


2.The sunlight came in ________the windows in the roof and lit up the whole room.

A.through B.across

C.on D.over

答案D A。across,over和through三个词在使用时要注意:across指平面延伸,over则不可,through指立体空间的延伸,通过等。

例二 请回答下面三个题目

1. The accident is reported to have occurred _________the first Sunday in Fepuary.

A.at B.on C.in D.to

2. John became a football coach in Sealion Middle School___the beginni

ng of March.

A. on B. for C. with D. at

3. Fireworks were lit long before the moon came out. The big noise pought people out the warm night to enjoy the interesting scene.

A. into B. at C. of D. from

答案BDA。涉及到时间,分别使用了不同的介词。具体日期前用on,月份年份前用in。开始时间at the beginning。进入到深夜into the night。

从上面的讲解,同学们不难看出,介词部分的复习,要紧紧把握好介词相关的搭配结构,采取有效的记忆方法,是完全可以掌握好这部分知识的。 (南开中学 段胜利)


2.The sunlight came in ________the windows in the roof and lit up the whole room.

A.through B.across

C.on D.over

答案D A。across,over和through三个词在使用时要注意:across指平面延伸,over则不可,through指立体空间的延伸,通过等。

例二 请回答下面三个题目

1. The accident is reported to have occurred _________the first Sunday in Fepuary.

A.at B.on C.in D.to

2. John became a football coach in Sealion Middle School___the beginning of March.

A. on B. for C. with D. at

3. Fireworks were lit long before the moon came out. The big noise pought people out the warm night to enjoy the interesting scene.

A. into B. at C. of D. from

答案BDA。涉及到时间,分别使用了不同的介词。具体日期前用on,月份年份前用in。开始时间at the beginning。进入到深夜into the night。





