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2015-03-11 10:03:56国外大学58
关于英国签证,英国签证移民署(UKVI)针对2015年4月6日以后SELT认可考点问题的整理解释如下,请参考:1. 关于2015年4月6日以后SELT认可考点问题的官方回复:UKVI伦敦的同事正在更新


1. 关于2015年4月6日以后SELT认可考点问题的官方回复:UKVI伦敦的同事正在更新中国雅思考试中心的信息,会于近期公布。

UKVI官邮之一 China.BusinessandGrowth@fco.gov.uk,落款为Customer Liaison Officer – Education and Officials, UK Visas and Immigration, Home Office, British Embassy Beijing, 关于2015年4月6日以后SELT认可考点问题的官方回复大意为UKVI伦敦的同事正在更新中国雅思考试中心的信息,会于近期公布,并给出了gov.uk的相关参考网址。

发件人: China.BusinessandGrowth@fco.gov.uk
  发送时间: 2015年3月9日 星期一
  主题: RE: Urgent Enquire about Approved SELT and Test Centres after 6th April 2015
  Dear Mr Ma,
  Thank you for your email which has been forwarded to me to follow up.
  Sorry to let you know that we cannot provide an answer to your question at the moment.
  Our colleagues in London are currently working on providing additional information on IELTS test centres in China which will be published soon.
  Pls be kindly advised to monitor our website:www.gov.uk/government/world-location-news/changes-to-secure-english-language-test-providers-for-uk-visas.
  Sorry again for not being able to provide exact answer to your question below.
  Best regards,
  Jingjing Jiang
  Customer Liaison Officer – Education and Officials
  UK Visas and Immigration
  Home Office
  British Embassy Beijing
  21st Floor Kerry Centre l 1 Guang Hua Lu l Beijing 100020 l PR China
  https://www.gov.uk /uk-visas-and-immigration


2. 新SELT测试中心包括在过去尚未提供测验服务的多处地点增设新的考试中心。

根据UKVI官网的参考网址,看到3月6号更新了以下关于SELT变动的通告,其中提及 new SELT test centres blablabla including a number of new ‘pop-up’ centres in locations where testing was previously not available. 新SELT测试中心包括在过去尚未提供测验服务的多处地点增设新的考试中心。


  • 伦敦圣三一学院(Trinity College London,仅限英国境内申请者)
  • 雅思安全英语语言测验联盟(IELTS SELT Consortia,负责英国国内外签证申请者)
  SELT新服务机构的考试中心遍布英国和世界各地,将继续为签证申请者提供便利服务,包括在过去尚未提供测验服务的多处地点增设新的考试中心。签证申请者请至 SELT官网了 解进一步信息,并可查询距离最近的考试中心位置。英国以外地区申请者若欲了解更多测验报名信息,可于本月稍晚至雅思(IELTS)测验官网 查询。



UK Visas and Immigration is making changes to the Secure English Language Tests (SELT) required by some visa customers
  Two new providers have been selected to deliver approved Secure English Language Tests and will replace current providers from 6 April 2015.The two new test providers are:
  Trinity College London (for customers applying in the UK only)
  IELTS SELT Consortia (for visa customers applying outside or inside the UK)
  The new SELT test centres are spread throughout the UK and the rest of the world and will continue to provide easy access for applicants, including a number of new ‘pop-up’ centres in locations where testing was previously not available.
  Applicants should go to the SELT page on this website for further information and to find out where their nearest test centre is located. Further information for customers located outside the UK on how to book a test will be available on the IELTS website later this month
  Transitional arrangements
  Applicants who take the language test on or before 5 April 2015 with the current providers will be able to use their certificates until 5 November 2015. Customers who require a SELT should only book a test with a new provider from 6 April. Tests taken with old providers from 6 April will not be acceptable with your visa application.


3. 从IELTS官网以下链接中可看到以下备注,表示T4学生签证申请人如果是前往Highly Trusted Sponsor (HTS)高信任等级的教育担保方就读本科或者硕士学位课程需要满足此机构对于英语的要求,所有的英国大学和学院均接受雅思结果。

这意味着前往Highly Trusted Sponsor (HTS)高信任等级的教育担保方就读的T4学生签证申请人可以在全球超过一千个雅思考点报考IELTS考试,其成绩均被认可,但除非就读院校有特别要求的则需按照特别要求执行。

这段话意味着就读HTS机构的T4学生签证基本不会受SELT认证考点变动问题的影响。然而从近几年办理的大量T4学生签证的案例中,我们可以看出HTS机构签发的CAS,在审核了申请人的雅思成绩认为符合学校要求后,就CAS上的语言要求一栏部分明确指出 No avidence or certificate need to provide;有些则是以UKVI的要求为准,CAS语言要求一栏指出要学生提供何时参加考试成绩为多少的IELTS成绩单,与UKVI步调保持一致。这就是为何极个别学校如UEA在得知gov.uk关于SELT考点变更消息但未全面确认时,已经邮件告知机构和申请学IELTS认可考点已缩减的通知。所以相信很多HTS机构还是会以UKVI的最终解释和SELT认可考点名单为准则。

Please note: Those who are applying for a Tier 4 student visa to a Highly Trusted Sponsor (HTS) to study a bachelor or postgraduate degree are required to meet the English language level set by the institution. All British universities and colleges accept IELTS results. This means you can apply with an IELTS result from any of the 1,000 IELTS test locations worldwide unless your institution has additional requirements. Seewww.ielts.org for a list of test locations.




【官方信息】英国签证安全英语语言测试(SELT)最新动态(二) 【官方信息】英国签证安全英语语言测试(SELT)最新动态(二)

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