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[职场] 如何把P.S.写得令人印象深刻?

2015-08-04 16:19:39国外大学45
给客户发邮件时,很多人都习惯在末尾加一个P.S.(Post ),以补充重要的信息。其实在阅读邮件的时候,往往P.S.的重要性要高出你的想像,下面就来看看为什么: Here's how a prospect's eye moves through your promotion


  给客户发邮件时,很多人都习惯在末尾加一个P.S.(Post ),以补充重要的信息。其实在阅读邮件的时候,往往P.S.的重要性要高出你的想像,下面就来看看为什么:

  Here's how a prospect's eye moves through your promotion, fundraiser or email:

  1. First, she will look at what you're asking. In the reams of environmental emails I read every day, these are usually highlighted in bold, asking me to click here to contact my Congressman, Donate Now to save this blade of precious grass, or some other call to action.


  2. Second, she looks at your P.S.


  3. And then, only then, if she feels like continuing on will outweigh the risk of wasting her time, she will read your carefully written body text.


  How, then, do you make sure she reads the rest of your content?



  You make your P.S. irresistible...


  1. Emphasize emotion. Many P.S.'s hold a standard call to action. While in theory this is a great way to leave a prospect, in reality they've seen right through you. Instead, passionately invoke real emotion. Emotion is what will inspire her enough to eventually take action. And it is that emotion that will pull her into your body content where your call to action is strategically placed, after she's already emotionally engaged.


  2. Reword your original promise. What, exactly, are you promising with your message? A sustainable future? Cleaner water? More wildlife? The sure defeat of a troublesome bill? Whatever it is, return to it, rephrase it, and highlight what her donation will help achieve.


  3. Supply extra credibility. Play to her rational side and use some solid proof she's smart to support you. Demonstrate what you did with her previous generous donation. Shine a light on science, technology, new data, celebrity endorsements... anything that will get your prospect to believe what you are doing is legit and important.


  4. Communicate urgency...without sounding prophetic. There's nothing that turns me off a call to action more than doom and gloom tactics. "Act now, or global warming will kill your children!" typically makes me want to puke. At best, I roll my eyes and discredit your campaign. At worst, I give myself permission to be removed from your emails forever. But... urgency is still what draws high click-throughs and donations. There are plenty of reasons to act now in strong environmental work. Find a way to do this without inducing vomit, please.

  强调紧急性。但是要适度,如果用这样的句子"Act now, or global warming will kill your children!" ,小心别人会把你拉黑。

  5. Reiterate benefits. Every person who donates to your environmental organization is doing so because of personal reasons. Everything from tax deductions to securing a better future to simply a warm and fuzzy feeling incites a personal benefit a supporter will gain from donating to your organization. Play that up with style and you'll be sure to get their admiration.



  Try a P.S. on your next communication and split test it. Send half your prospects an email or fundraising letter with a P.S. and one without. Once you see a higher Return on Investment from that piece, next time try two different P.S.'s that use two of the above tactics and split test again.


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