安大略省的新的移民政策应该算得上是近期最受关注的新闻了。 对于选择加拿大留学的同学来讲,地区的选择着实让人头痛,对于重度选择困难症同学来讲简直是噩梦一般。安大略省有着加拿大最好的就业和市场发展,生活环境也是非常优秀的,而且是加拿大大学和学院教育资源最集中的地区。但是安大略省就是让人想说爱你不容易,因为移民政策和移民资源的限制。
此次安大略省针对于留学生,修订了现有的移民政策,将新的现有的移民政策OINP-Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program特别设定一份分支:International Student with a Job Offer–ISJO也就是持有雇佣聘书的国际学生政策。ISJO政策的解读就是:作为国际学生,当你从被认可的教育机构完成规定的学习后,如果持有一个有效的合格的聘书,不需要有任何的工作经验就具备了向安大略省移民局移民提名项目申请省提名移民的资格,一旦获批将在不超过15个月就会获得移民的身份。
从表面来看,政策是非常的利好的。因为留学生一毕业就可以申请移民了,大大的减少了移民办理的周期,降低了政策风险也降低了成本。 留学生越早可以拿到移民身份,将来继续学习的成本也越低,而且在当地买车买房也就更加方便、可行。大利好!
4.所被雇佣的工作应该在连续12个月的工作周期内进行不少于1560小时的工作,且工作应符合职业等级认真NOC 0AB标准;
如果大家自己看要求1、2、3就会发现实际上符合标准的公司一定是中大型企业,且属于比较有规模的经营良好的公司。对于学习的专业就业行比较强的同学来讲,应该说找到一个对口的工作并不会是太大的问题,但是年营业超过1百万加币的公司本身就不多,且每家公司可以接收的人员不能超过20人。 那么比如说金融和会计专业的同学,如果想去银行工作,一个分行的人数一般不会超过的30人, 那么从技术支持到财务分析到柜台专员的这家分行可以雇佣的留学生人数不能超过6人。
附件: 雇主要求
Employer Criteria
·Employers must have been inactive business(corporations, limited partnerships and sole proprietorships) for at least3 years.
·Employers must havebusiness premises in Ontariowhere the prospective nominee will work.
·Employers must bein compliancewithall provincial labour laws, including but not limited to employment standards, health and safety, and labour relations legislation.
·Employers inside of the Greater Toronto Area must have:
·a minimum of$1,000,000 in gross annual revenuefor the most recent fiscal year,
·fivepermanent full-time employees who are Canadian citizens or permanent residents (per position to be filled each nomination year) at the location where prospective nominee will work.
Employers outside of the Greater Toronto Area must have:
·a minimum of$500,000 in gross annual revenuefor the most recent fiscal year,
·threepermanent, full-time employees who are Canadian citizens or permanent residents (per position to be filled each nomination year) at the location where prospective nominee will work.
Position Criteria
To be considered for approval by OINP, the position to be filled must:
·Be a permanent and full-time position
·must consist of a minimum of1,560 hours of paid employmentin a 12-month period
Be in askilled occupation(National Occupation Classification Code 0, A or B)
Meet wage criteria
·prevailing wage level -if the position is going to be offered to a prospective nominee applying under theForeign Worker Stream; or
·entry-level wage level –if the position is going to be offered to a prospective nominee applying under theInternational Student with a Job Offerstream.
·if the prospective nominee is already working in the position to be approved, the employer is required topay a wage equal to or greaterthan the wage approved for that position.
Not affectthe settlement of any labour dispute or affect the employment of a person involved in such a dispute, or adversely affect employment or training opportunities for Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Ontario.
Benecessaryfor the company’s operations.
Note that employers must demonstrate sufficient proof of recruitment efforts if the prospective nominee is an individual who currently lives abroad, is visiting Canada, or is working in a province or territory other than Ontario (see proof of recruitment efforts in Section 2.3 Supporting Documents for more details on this requirement).
Important: Positions that are Not Eligibile
The following are not considered permanent, full-time employees even if they work 1,560 hours in a 12-month period:
·seasonal, or part-time employees regardless of their working hours;
·subcontractors or agency workers; and,
·employees who do not work on the company’s premises, such as employees who work from home, or employees who work in a “virtual” location, and serve the employer by telecommuting.
Multiple Positions
Employers inside the GTA can request one position for every 5 full-time employees. Employers outside of the GTA can request one position for every 3 full-time employees. For reference:
Companies inside of the Greater Toronto Area:
·1 position requested = 5 existing full-time, permanent employees.
·2 positions requested = 10 existing full-time, permanent employees.
·3 positions requested = 15 existing full-time, permanent employees.
Companies outside of the Greater Toronto Area:
·1 position requested = 3 existing full-time, permanent employees.
·2 positions requested = 6 existing full-time, permanent employees.
·3 positions requested = 9 existing full-time, permanent employees.
Employers can request up to amaximum of 20 positionsper calendar year. Requests for more than 20 positions will be reviewed by OINP on a case-by-case basis.
Employers must complete onlyonePre-screen Application form even when seeking approval for multiple positions. All positions must be listed on a single application.
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申请日本留学的学子们的第一步就是要解决日语基础问题。日本有很多语言学校,比如早稻田文化馆、东京言语教育学院、东京ARC日本语学校等。 其次,日本的学习节奏快,功课较忙,所以,想申请日本留学的学子们,学习态度一定要严肃认真,否则,到学期结束成绩会很难看的。 衣在日本 宽泛来
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一、学校介绍 北京服装学院是全国唯一以服装命名,艺工为主,艺、工、经、管等多学科协调发展,具有鲜明办学特色的全日制普通高等学校。学校始建于1959年,1987年改扩建为北京服装学院。现有在校生8600余人,设有服装艺术与工程学院、艺术设计学院、材料科学与工程学院、造型艺术