Rumour has it that the cowboy’s parents died in the prime time ,he was ill-treated by his brother and sister-in-law. One day ,his cow counseled him to marry the weaver . The day arrived,the beautiful fairy maidens had a bath in the river as the cow told . And the cowboy took the fairy’s cloth away suddenly. The fairy maidens were at a loss,they hurried to put on the cloth and flied away except the weaver. The weaver agreed the cowboy’s proposal under the cowboy’s begging. They lived happily after the marriage while man tilled the farm and woman weaved.They looked aftered each other . The weaver gave a birth to a boy and a girl. Later ,the cow asked them preserve his skin before his death.They can use it when they were in emergency. They buried the cow in tears .
The weaver and the cow’s marriage was known by the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother of the West.They enraged and commanded the celestial to arrest the weaver . The celestial seized the weaver when the cowboy was out. The cowboy rushed to put on the cow’s skin and carry his choldren to go after his wife. It was near ,the Queen Mother of the West pulled out zan and lined out a river ,and the cowboy cannot cross it. since then ,the cowboy and the weaver could only watch each other in the opposite in tears .And the Emperor was moved by their love .He promised them meet each other once on july 7 th。 And people said that magpie will build a bridge on that day for them ,that was called meeting in the milky way。What’s more ,you can hear their talking under the grape trees.The day was called Tanabata Festival or Chinese Valentine’s Day.
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赴英国留学,不仅要注意选校问题,对于其申请的专业,也需要重视起来。专业的选择直接关系到同学们将来的就业和发展方向。那么英国留学选择专业时需要同学们避免哪些问题呢? 跟风选校未考虑自己的兴趣 许多学生对于自己想学专业,以及适合自己学习的专业没有什么概念。而对于本专业不是很满
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2015年是加拿大移民政策大变脸的一年,快速移民通道迅速覆盖联邦及各省技术移民。对于计划去加拿大留学的同学们来讲,在最新的移民政策下该如何规划留学呢? 以下是整理的加拿大各省最新移民政策,给大家参考! 在众多适合留学生移民加拿大的政策当中,魁北克省PEQ经验移民项目可以说