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2015-08-24 14:40:38国外大学47
Brad Cohen是一名普通的妥瑞氏症患者,但是他凭借自信乐观的人生态度成为令人敬佩的教师和演讲家。他改变了被嘲笑和排斥的命运,就因为从来不放弃。他用自己的行动证明,妥瑞氏患者也可以为社会做出贡献,而不是逃避和埋怨。上帝关上了一扇门,而Brad Cohen没有被动地等待

  Brad Cohen是一名普通的妥瑞氏症患者,但是他凭借自信乐观的人生态度成为令人敬佩的教师和演讲家。他改变了被嘲笑和排斥的命运,就因为从来不放弃。他用自己的行动证明,妥瑞氏患者也可以为社会做出贡献,而不是逃避和埋怨。上帝关上了一扇门,而Brad Cohen没有被动地等待,他靠自己的努力打开了另一扇通往成功的大门。

  Tourette’s Syndrome is an inherited neuropsychiatric disorder that causes people to make physical and vocal tics. Tortured by such an incurable sickness, most adults are out of work and most kids have to stay at home. Brad Cohen, as a 12-year-old sufferer, was once supposed to just hide away for the rest of his life. However, he had found his own philosophy to live by rather than let Tourette’s win. With optimism and confidence he decided to be a teacher and educate people and to prove that Tourette’s would never get the best of him. After he graduated from college with multiple honors, he began to seek a job at an elementary school in Atlanta. Gifted as he was, he failed to move the interviewers who felt unbearable about the strange noises and tics he made during interviews. Some of them even sneered and jeered at him without a look at his resume. It is not hard to imagine how disappointed and frustrated he was each time when being refused, but it is hard to imagine how much courage it needs for Cohen to face his adversity head on. 24 times of failures ended up with an opening for him at Mountain View Elementary School. And his excellence in teaching convinced all people who once doubted him.

