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2015-10-12 13:41:04国外大学306
按照目前的规定,持有普通的访问签证,每次入境可以停留180天,如果超过这个期限,则属于“失去合法居留身份”; 学习许可和工作许可持有者的居住期限为许可的有效期末,如果超过这个时间,则属于“失去合法居留身份”; 只要滞留的时间不超过90天,则可以在加拿大直接通过办理“恢复身
























  R185(b)(i) to (iii)章节


  工作类型 type of work;

  雇主employer; and

  工作地点 location of work.



  学习内容的类型 type of studies or course;

  教育机构 educational institution;

  学习的地点 location of studies; and

  学习的期限 times and periods of the studies.



  l 如果申请人递交的临时居民申请的延期已经被拒签,处于身份有效期内in status (包括等待期implied status)直到拒签,从拒签通知签发起的90天内可以申请恢复身份;

  l 如果申请人在他们的身份已经过期之后但是在90天的恢复期内递交申请更新,他们将会接到CPC Vegreville (移民部受理中心之一)的通知,要求他们递交恢复身份的申请。那么申请人将会从身份过期开始算起的90天内,递交恢复身份的申请并且缴纳corresponding fee



  >>> 离开加拿大


  关于 “initial requirements for their stay” 基本的居住条件,当涉及到恢复身份的时候,切不可做出过于理想化的解读。R179法案的要求,也不能被僵化地应用到这些案例中。最好的解读就是申请人要求恢复身份,那么申请人要符合自己的类别所要求的限定条件。




  l 一个临时的外国工人,处于身份“有效期内instatus”,可以在加拿大申请学习许可,如果他们满足相应的要求。同理,在申请“恢复身份”的时候,他们也可以申请学习许可。

  l 符合在加拿大申请工作和学习许可的临时居民,也允许在恢复身份期间,这样申请。

  注: 一个人要向签证官证明TA是真实的临时居民,为了恢复身份TA满足法律的全部要求。



  希望恢复身份的申请人必须缴纳 corresponding fees. 如果一个申请人恢复访问者的身份,则只缴纳恢复费restoration fee (i.e.$200.00). 但是,如果一个申请人同时需要一个工作许可或者学习许可,那么他们必须支付每个许可的受理费processing fees 以及恢复费 fee for restoration(i.e. $200.00 + permit).



  此类申请,在CPC Vegreville的受理步骤:

  第一步 Step 1


  第二步 Step 2


  writes a report outliningthe allegations of the violation; and


  assesses theapplicant's eligibility for a restoration of status.




  如果其他的条件也满足,则签证官将签发访问者延期居住许可visitor record (or appropriate permit或者其他的工作许可或者学习许可),文件邮寄给申请人。














  第三步 Step 3


  如果恢复身份的申请被批准,则签发访问者延期许可visitor record或者其他许可并且指出恢复身份的诸多限制条款


  注: 被拒签的申请人必须立即离开加拿大。


  Restoration of temporary resident status

  This section contains policy, procedures and guidanceused by CIC staff. It is posted on the CIC website as a courtesy tostakeholders.

  If a visitor, worker or student has lost their status,they may apply to reinstate or restore their status in accordance with R182.

  Note: This regulation only applies if the temporary resident has not beenout of status for more than 90 days, and they have not failed to comply withthe specified conditions.

  Eligibility requirements for restorationof status

  Applicant requirements

  apply within 90 days of having lost their status; and

  meet the initial requirements for their stay; and

  have not failed to comply with any other condition (such as working without being authorized to do so, etc); and

  meet the requirements of the class under which they are currently applying to be restored as a temporary resident.

  Have lost their status because they have failed to comply with any of the following conditions

  Subsection R185(a)

  The period authorized for their stay

  Subsection R185(b)(i) to (iii)

  The work they are permitted or prohibited from engaging in, in Canada, including the:

  type of work;

  employer; and

  location of work.

  Subsection R185(c)

  The studies they are permitted or prohibited from engaging in, in Canada, including the:

  type of studies or course;

  educational institution;

  location of studies; and

  times and periods of the studies.

  Requirement details

  90 Days

  Clients who have been refused an extension to their temporary resident status, and were in status (including implied status) until the refusal, have 90 days from the date of the refusal notice to apply for a restoration, if otherwise eligible.

  Clients who submit an application to renew their status after it has expired, but within the 90-day restoration period, will receive a notice from CPC Vegreville warning them to apply for restoration. Clients will have 90 days from the date their status expired to submit their restoration application and corresponding fee.

  Continue to work or study

  Contrary to applicants to whom we recognize an impliedstatus, persons awaiting restoration have lost their status and may not continue to work orattend school.

  Leaving Canada

  Restoration of status cannot be granted at the POE.Individuals who have failed to comply with the conditions imposed under R185 need toapply in Canada for restoration of their status. If they leave Canada, theywill be deemed to be seeking a newentry on their return.

  The phrase “initial requirements for their stay” shouldnot be read too literally when it is being applied in the context of arestoration application, and the requirements of R179 shouldnot be applied rigidly in that regard. The preferred interpretation in thiscontext would be that the person seeking restoration must meet the requirementsof the class under which they are currently applying to be restored as a temporaryresident. The desired approach to the restoration provision of R182 is to befacilitative and consistent with the current approach to extension applicationsof the provision in R181, since thetwo provisions are similar in nature and R181 actuallyrefers specifically to the requirements of R179.

  Possible restoration scenarios

  A foreign student who is still in status can apply inCanada for a work permit under certain conditions. By inference, the foreignstudent can apply for a work permit when restoring status.

  A temporary foreign worker who is still in status can apply in Canada for a study permit if they meet certain conditions. By inference, they can also apply for a study permit when restoring status.

  A temporary resident who is eligible to apply in Canada for a work or study permit would be allowed to do so when restoring their status.

  Note: A person must still satisfy the officer that theyare a genuine temporary resident and meet all the requirements of the Act, inorder to qualify for restoration.

  Restoration Fees

  Clients applying for a restoration must pay the corresponding fees. Any client applying to restore as a visitor will pay only therestoration fee (i.e. $200.00). However, if a client also requires a workand/or a study permit, they must pay processing fees for each permit in addition to the fee forrestoration (i.e. $200.00 + permit).

  The officer will first evaluate the restoration requestand if approved, will process any application for a study and/or work permit.

  Process at CPC Vegreville

  Step 1

  CPC-V receives the application and ensures that all therequired documentation and fees are included.

  Step 2

  If the applicant's status has expired or they areotherwise in violation of the Act or Regulations,an officer:

  writes a report outlining the allegations of the violation; and

  assesses the applicant's eligibility for a restoration of status.

  a medical examinationform (IMM 1017);

  panel physician list;and


  refer the case to anadmissibility hearing;

  Issue a departureorder; or

  allow the foreignnational to remain.

  If the applicant is eligible for restoration

  The officer proceeds with the assessment of the application (medical results,bona fides, etc).

  If all other requirements are met, the officer issues a visitor record (orappropriate permit) outlining the conditions for the restoration of status. Thedocument is mailed to the client.

  If the applicant not eligible for restoration

  The Minister's delegate decides on a disposition for the case. The followingoptions are available:

  If the applicant requires a medical examination

  The following are mailed to the client:

  If an interview is required because: the applicant's purpose is suspector the officer intends to refuse the application and needs more detailedinformation

  The file is referred to a local CIC office near the applicant's place ofresidence for further assessment.

  Step 3

  At the interview, the officer will either approve orrefuse the application.

  If the restoration is granted, then a visitor record or appropriate permit outlining the conditions for the restoration of status is issued to the applicant.

  If the restoration is refused, then the decision is communicated to the applicant. A letter is given to the applicant notifying them of the refusal and the reasons for it.

  Note: Refused applicants must leave Canada immediately.

