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2015-10-15 09:11:54国外大学
中国女人同外籍男友交往时经常会抱怨许多让她们愤怒的事情,而这些事情主要是因文化差异和缺少了解所造成的。 Chinese women who are dating non-Chinese guys often express variousissues which displ



  Chinese women who are dating non-Chinese guys often express variousissues which displease them – and the issues are mostly due to cultural differencesand a lack of understanding.


  A foreign boy who is dating with a Chinese girl made a list of what heconsiders the ten most common complaints of Chinese girlfriends:

  1. 你不帮我拎包!You don't carry my handbag!


  Most foreign boyfriends believe that carrying a handbag of a girlfriendis basically the opposite of manliness. But this is a very common demand ofChinese girlfriends.


  Chinese girls usually carry useless and unnecessary stuff in their bagsand the reason is only because they want to have a bag so that their boyfriendwill carry it for them. And foreign boyfriends don't like to do so.

  2. 你不时常联系我!You don't text or call me three times a day!


  Chinese girlfriends usually demand that you stay in contact with themduring the day and show that you care for them by calling or sending them textmessages at least two or three times a day.


  This will not change - so you need to adopt this habit if you wish tohave a long-term relationship.

  3. 你不经常见我!You don't meet me often!


  If you don't visit or meet your girlfriend often, she will call youselfish and this is a word Chinese girls use if you don't do something theywant. They will not miss any chance to call you selfish.


  However, for foreigners this word does not seem so strong and theyconsider it quite normal to be called selfish - but for Chinese this is not thecase.

  4. 少和你朋友待在一起!Give less time to your friends!


  Sometimes, Chinese girls will complain that they don't like your friends,but this is not exactly true: They just want the guy to spend less time withhis friends and more with them.


  They want you to spend more time with your girlfriend instead of hangingout and meeting your friends.

  5. 为什么不带我去酒吧?Why don't you take me to the bar?


  She will often complain that you don't take her when you go out to a barand she will accuse you of not taking her because of various reasons.


  She will tell you that you don't like her attitude in the club as shemakes you stay by her side the whole time.

  6. 没有时尚感 No fashion sense


  She wants you to dress like she wants you to dress and she wants you tolook like she wants you to look.


  Chinese dress sense is very different to other countries and it's quitedifficult to follow, so get ready to face such complaints sooner or later.

  7. 你不了解中国文化 You don't know Chinese culture.


  You will hear this sentence very often from your Chinese girlfriend -that you should learn more about Chinese culture and start following it.


  She will always demand that you follow her culture and not so much yourown culture.

  8. 多吃点!Eat more!


  It sounds weird but it's true: A Chinese girlfriend will suggest that youeat more and "get healthier".


  The more you eat the healthier you will be - this is a Chinese saying andthey truly follow it and try it on their boyfriends.

  9. 少吃点!Eat less!


  Sooner or later you will start eating more and another complaint you willget is that you eat so much.


  Your Chinese girlfriend will start saying that you should eat less andthis will be good for your health. Suddenly, the above-mentioned Chinese sayingand perception will change.

  10.购物 Shopping


  Last but not least, Chinese girlfriends will complain to you that you donot take her shopping.


  Yes! She is right - take her shopping often, even window shopping. Shewants to hang out with you. And sometimes she just wants you to spend yourmoney on her. Soon after the shopping trip, she will say something like: Ithought you are selfish but you are not.(译者 唐巧芳)。
