[体育] 2015特殊奥运会洛杉矶开幕(双语)
Michelle Obama, First Lady of the United States, presents and announces the opening of the Special Olympics World Games at the Memorial Coliseum, in Los Angeles, the United States, July 25, 2015. The 2015 Special Olympics World Games gathers over 6,500 athletes from 165 countries and regions, taking part in 25 events. [Photo: Xinhua]
The Olympic Flame is one-again lit, with the city of Los Angeles playing host to the 2015 Special Olympics.
US First Lady Michelle Obama was on-hand Saturday night to officially declare the opening of the Games. Mrs. Obama's opening of the Special Olympics has been greeted with euphoria, bringing many in the massive crowd to tears, including Ronald Weintraub, a fervent supporter of the Special Olympics.
The 60-thousand in attendance at the LA Coliseum has actually surpassed the numbers for the Opening Ceremony of the 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles. China has 93 athletes involved in this year's Special Olympics.
特奥会主席施莱佛(Timothy Shriver)说,对于有智力缺陷的人和他们的家人,运动也许能够改变他们的命运。“以前,运动会之于我们的意义在于角逐出一个英雄。现在,我们通过运动会来发掘潜藏在自己灵魂中的英雄。”
"We will do our utmost to play! We'll strive to win."
Timothy Shriver, President of the Special Olympics, says sport has become a game changer for intellectually disabled people and their families. "Too often sport is used to find out who is the best. We use sport to ask everyone to discover what is your best."
Chinese Delegation march into the Memorial Coliseum, during the Opening Ceremony of the Special Olympics World Games in Los Angeles, the United States, July 25, 2015.
Photo taken on July 25, 2015 shows the scene at the Memorial Coliseum during the Opening Ceremony of the Special Olympics World Games in Los Angeles, the United States.
The flag of the Special Olympics World Games is raised at the Memorial Coliseum, during the Opening Ceremony of the Special Olympics World Games in Los Angeles, the United States, July 25, 2015.
Greece Delegation march into the Memorial Coliseum, during the Opening Ceremony of the Special Olympics World Games in Los Angeles, the United States, July 25, 2015.
CRI记者,洛杉矶报道。Xiaohong, CRI, Los Angeles.
版权所有:CRI NEWSPlus英语环球广播
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