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[英国] 戴安娜王妃罕见大婚照曝光,即将拍卖!

2015-08-12 14:58:54中国大学67
在戴安娜王妃逝世18周年纪念日来临之际,英国王室公布了一组弥足珍贵、前所未见的查尔斯王子与戴安娜王妃大婚时的照片。照片中伊丽莎白女王二世和查尔斯王子的母亲陪着戴安娜王妃穿过宫殿的走廊。 [Photos: news.cn] As the 18th anniversary o


  在戴安娜王妃逝世18周年纪念日来临之际,英国王室公布了一组弥足珍贵、前所未见的查尔斯王子与戴安娜王妃大婚时的照片。照片中伊丽莎白女王二世和查尔斯王子的母亲陪着戴安娜王妃穿过宫殿的走廊。 [Photos: news.cn]

  As the 18th anniversary of the death of Princess Diana approaches, a private auction house in London is offering never-before-published wedding pictures of the former Princess of Wales. These photos show Queen Elizabeth II, her new mother-in-law, walking beside her down a painting-lined corridor of the palace.



  Princes Diana in her wedding dress, posing for formal photographs after wedding to Prince Charles in July 1981.[Photo: agencies]



  In 1981, Prince Charles and Diana held their wedding ceremony in Saint Paul’s Cathedral in London. More than 2500 foreign royal members, governmental officials and diplomatic envoy were invited.



  The official pre-auction estimate for the sale is between1,000 and 2,000 US dollars per piece. But auction house executives say it could go much higher.



  A single rare photo of a teenage Diana sold at an auction in October 2014 for slightly more than 18,000 US dollars.

  版权所有:CRI NEWSPlus英语环球广播

