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[文化] 中美大不同?听听大学生们怎么说

2015-09-21 11:34:10中国大学
“美国人喜欢自拍吗?自拍后会做修改发到网上吗?” “我最自豪的是自拍后从不修饰,直接发!” “我不喜欢自拍,但我是吃货,我拍食物??” (全场笑) “我也发食物照片,就想给家人看,让他们更了解中国文化!” 9月16日晚,一场别开生面、趣味十足的中美大学生对话在上海纽约大学举




  “我不喜欢自拍,但我是吃货,我拍食物??” (全场笑)




  作为中国国际广播电台英语环球广播的精心打造的年度品牌活动,2015中美大学生对话(From University to the World)首次在上海举办,并与中美第一所合办高校——上海纽约大学共同举办。本次活动吸引了近300位中外大学生和嘉宾听众现场观摩,更有万名网友通过在线视频和图文直播参与了互动讨论。

  为了让对话内容更具针对性,主办方英语环球广播特别在活动开始前一个月推出了首个面向中美大学生的网络问卷调查,近500名中美大学生参与了本次问卷调查。调查显示两国大学生对于彼此国家的整体印象趋于正面,但在认知上仍存在不少差异。根据本次调查结果,2015中美大学生对话的主题被定为:我们相互了解多少?(How much do we know about each other?)











  本次中美大学生对话还吸引了多位中美知名学者和相关人士出席,嘉宾们纷纷表示这次对话是他们和年轻人相互学习的机会,通过聆听大学生们的讨论让他们也受益匪浅。来自上海复旦大学国际问题研究院副院长沈丁立教授表示只有不断接触新事物,新文化,视野才会打开。美国驻上海总领事馆新闻文化处处长欧阳天(Brian Gibel)先生对本次活动给予了高度赞赏。他表示像这样的文化交流活动非常有意义,是促进中美两国彼此了解的强大动力。





  Ahead of Chinese President Xi Jinping's trip to the US next week, a new push is on to try to promote inter-personal ties.To that end, CRI has sponsored an event in Shanghai to bring together college students from the US and China, which we've dubbed "From University to the World."

  "Actually I can see a lot of students are really involved in their studies and not as normal Chinese students imagine that parties and drugs and all that life."

  "You know it's not easy for young people to find good job, to have a good career development in Shanghai, because you need to be very competitive, you need to do internships and you need to have good relations."

  "I'd like to reply the question to that student which is why do you care if other people think you are weird. (applause) Do what you want."


  From campus life to bilateral relations, ten Chinese and American students from Fudan University, Jiaotong University and New York University Shanghai have come together for a heated discussionbefore an audience of 300.

  Public Affairs Section Chief at US Consulate General in Shanghai, Brian Gibel stresses academic exchanges are the dynamic force for positive transformation as they build mutual understanding.

  "I think tonight was a good example of how important it is for Chinese people and Americans to come together on a people-to-people level, not just government-to-government. You have to go and see for yourself to really understand what a country is like. So we surely welcome Xi Jinping's visit to the United States and we look forward to US and China deepening their relations and moving forward in their global agenda."

  He noted that currently, 275,000 Chinese are studying in the United States, more than twice as many as Indians which is second on the list. He also observed that through programmes like Fullbright, and President Obama's a hundred thousand-strong, the numbers and diversity of Americans who are coming to China has also been on an unprecedented increase.


  Chancellor of New York University Shanghai, Yu Lizhong said through frequent exchanges, people might see they have more common grounds than they have realized and people have individual characteristics rather than just one stereotype. He believed college education has a big role to play.

  "So how to learn from different culture and how to work together is a big topic in the age of globalized world. I really hope the live dialogue between Chinese students and American students can help us understand the culture, different culture."

  The dialogue is also aired live online to NEWS Plus followers on social media platforms such as wechat, sina microblog, and sohu APP.

  A similar dialogue between Chinese and American students from Middlebury College, Communication University of China, Renmin University and University of International Relations will be held in Beijing one week later. On the same day, President Xi Jinping will start his official state visit to the US.

  版权所有:CRI NEWSPlus 英语环球广播

