[学英语] 2015全国高考作文题英文大合集!
For the past few years, essay questions in Chinese language tests from China’s one-shot college entrance exam, or Gaokao, have always been a highlight that attracts people's attention. Here is a list of essay questions students faced in their Chinese language tests.
1 新课标全国一卷:
The composition requires that students should make comments on a case about a girl in central China's Hubei Province who reported to police that her father always talked on his cellphone while driving on the highway. Students are required to write a letter to one of the people involved, be it the girl, the father or other relevant sides.
2 新课标全国二卷:
A professional and skillful welding craftsman, a photographer who has gained praise for his works, a successful scientist who specializes in life science. Who is the most "graceful" person out of these three? Students are required to answer this question with an essay.
3 北京高考作文题目:大作文一:深入灵魂的热爱;大作文二:假如我与民族英雄过一天。
Students are required to choose one of the two topics for their composition. The first one is entitled 'The Affection Deep in My Soul' , while the other one is entitled 'If I Spend One Day with a Hero I Admire' .
4 江苏高考作文题目:“关于智慧”:智慧是一种经验,一种能力,一种境界。和大自然一样,智慧也有他自己的样子。请以此写一篇不少于800字的作文,题目自拟,文体不限,诗歌除外。
Many netizens think the composition topic for the Jiangsu paper is one of the more difficult ones to compose, they even describe it as 'hell'. Students are required to write an article talking about 'wisdom', which is regarded as too 'broad' and thus hard to focus on one perspective.
5 湖南高考语文作文:世界那么大,大树也想去看看
The composition topics for Zhejiang, Hubei and Hunan are described as ' nightmares' by some netizens. In Zhejiang, students are required to analyze the relationship between a person's character and the style of articles he or she writes. In Hubei, students are required to write an article about 'Spring Water and Fountain', since the attractive fountain can't surge without the accumulation of spring water underground. In Hunan, the topic tells a story about a tree's unique way to accomplish its travel dream.
6 安徽省高考作文题目:蝴蝶翅膀的颜色。蝴蝶的翅膀是没有颜色的,但因为有特殊的结构,在阳光下会显示出五颜六色,根据材料写作文。
The topic tells a story about a scientific experiment, which comes to a conclusion that butterflies' wings have no colours at all. The colors are revealed due to the wings' special microscopic structures with the help of light. Students should choose a perspective through the story and write a composition.
7 上海高考作文题目:“人的心中总有一些坚硬的东西,也有一些柔软的东西,如何对待它们,将关系到能否造就和谐的自我。”自选角度,自拟题目。
Students in Shanghai are required to make comments on how to deal with the hard and soft stuff in one's inner world.
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