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2014-12-24 10:29:41教育热点30
第一部分:作文预测大作文话题类型:1. 社会现象类; 2. 抽象品质及社会问题类预测话题包括:1. 网络类(网购、微博、微信等新现象);2. 抽象品质类(梦想与行动、创新、 坚持等)3. 环


大作文话题类型:1. 社会现象类; 2. 抽象品质及社会问题类

预测话题包括:1. 网络类(网购、微博、微信等新现象);2. 抽象品质类(梦想与行动、创新、 坚持等)3. 环境类(交通状况、动物/资源保护、节约型社会等)





What is subtly demonstratedin the above drawing is that in front of a desktop sits a fashionablelady who is staring at the screen with shocked expression wearing on cheeks andhuge sweat dropping from her forehead. What is spit from the computer is thelengthy Alipay bill, which can almost be spread as long as two meters. Thecaption above reads that you should keep away from Taobao and cherish yourincome.

The objective of the drawer is to show usthat utmost attention should be paid to shopping online, which has exertedprofound impact on the daily life of the average individuals. We can easilyrecognize its advantages as follows: e-commerce, which is extremely convenient, can save us a great amount ofprecious time and we can buy products everywhere we want as long as we can surfonline. However, for all the advantages mentioned above, online trading isby no means without its limitations as listed below: we may be cheated bysome online retailers, which might be a potential threat to our bank accounts。

Accordingly, it isimperative for us to take drastic measures. For one thing, we should appeal tothe authorities to make strict legislations to severely punish those who deliberatelyspoil the interests of online customers. For another, we should enhance theawareness of residents that rational purchasing is conducive to ourincome management. Only in this way can we maximize the merits and minimizethe demerits of online purchasing。

大作文预测话题二:抽象品质类(梦想与行动、创新、 坚持等)

Wise people used to say that taking actions is ofutmost significance in our daily life. This is most vividly illustrated in thegiven picture, which shows that two young boys both holding guitar are playing different lifesituations. The boy on the left is daydreaming about the day he gives a perfectconcert and is admired by all the fans, while the boy on the right ispracticing the guitar and singing skill persistently。

Studying it further, it is easy tofigure out that taking actions is the only way to fulfill our dream. Ourcountry, for example, has developed rapidly in terms of economy andscience and technology. We have accomplished in about two decades what otheremerging countries used to achieve in a century. There is no denying that itis the perseverance and taking actions that really realize the promise theymade. If you never take action to do something, you will never have achance to win. For example, a great number of students choose to take partin the National Entrance Exam for master’s degree. However, those who dreamedof becoming the postgraduates without taking any actions are even tremble atthe thought of taking the exam, most of them are escaping the classroom whenthe first exam is over。

In a word, I believe, just like ForrestGump said: “Life is like a box of chocolates:you neverknow what you’re gonna get. ” Unless you have theawareness that action speaks louder than the word。


(Common asit is, it has deep implication). As isvividly shown in the cartoon, at least five patients are staying in onehospital who are injured because of jay-walking, driving after drinking anddisregarding of the laws. If we take a closer watch, it is of littledifficulty to find that one police is patiently explicating thetraffic laws to one injured person, standing at a wheel chair which is pushedby one nurse。

There is no doubt that it describes acommon phenomenon in our society that trafficproblems are more and more severe and what might trigger this affair? (For mypart, the following two are of utmost importance。) Forone part, the general public have failed to realize the importance of abiding bythe traffic regulations and laws(and a bigdeal of the attention have been distracted by the so-called“great affair”). Once somedrivers easily disregard the traffic signals, so do other drivers who intend toobey the laws. Moreover, the current state of affairs depictedin the drawing, may have been encouraged, though not justified, by the lack ofsevere legal penalty. If someone does disorderly parking ordrives under the influence of alcohol, the punishment is not so harsh that thedrivers could afford to learn a heavy lesson from the fine as to never do itagain . (If we let this situation continue as it is, ultimately,our society will suffer a great destruction。)

It isadvisable for us to take steps to reverse this current evil trend. On one hand,we should cultivate the awareness of people that everyoneneeds to reflect on his or her uncivilized conducts and strengthen hisself-discipline. On the other hand, it is high time thatmore severe and sound laws and regulations should be introduced to harness andcurb this matter. Only in this way, can we crack the hard nut and embrace abright future。


A thought-provoking dialogue between themother elephant and her own child appears in the first picture. Having growinghis teeth, the young elephant is eager to share the exciting news with hismother. However, after repeating his words several times, there is still noresponse coming from the mother. Meanwhile, the attractive caption in thesecond photo reads: no trade, no kill。

The abovepictures unveil a hazard posed to wildlife due to the expandingscale of world commercial hunting. At least two fundamental factors couldcontribute to this phenomenon. The industry of commercial hunting haveundergone a booming expansion (along with the growing public awareness of themerits of wildlife, which makes/), making hunting unusually profitable. Worsestill, lacking knowledge regarding the significance of ecological balance,

some people take the gun to chase animals insatiably (and thus cause asevere threat to all life in the world). Apparently, this trend will surelyin turn endanger humankind in the long run。

(On no account should we turn a blind eyeto such things.//All these factors above make it crucial to take drasticmeasures to protect the wildlife。) Accordingly, governments all over the world are supposed to uniteto work out effective measures against commercial hunting. Additionally,people should be educated from childhood to cultivate the awareness that weand the rare wild animals share the same precious planet. I do believe aharmonious relationship between the wildlife and human beings is awaitingus if we make every effort to promote wildlife protection bothnationally and internationally。


The drawing does mirror a common social phenomenon and is really thought-provoking.According to the above photo,

a couple of elephants are walking forward slowly while the young elephant saysto his mother, “Mom, my tusks start to grow up!

But mom, whyaren’t you happy about that?”What is conveyedcarries the message of the human’s threat on the wildanimals by catching and killing。

A host of reasons may make this happen. To start with, an army of huntershave been killing rare wild animals just to make huge profits. That is the veryreason why the mother elephant does not glad to hear that her son’s ivorygrowing. Another significant cause of the rapid reduction of wildlife

is the disappearance of their natural habitats. Because the urbanization isadvancing fast, forcing the animals give up their original places and changeanother site which may not be as good as before。

Accordingly, it is imperative for us totake drastic and effective measures to protect the wildlife. On the one hand, we can appeal to thegovernment to make some strict laws to prevent them from being caught and killed。

On another level, we must enhance citizen's awareness that loving thenature is everybody's responsibility. Only through these measures are weable to have opportunities to expect a beautiful world and a promising prospectto come。



Direction: You just bought an English dictionary froma famous e-commerce site only to find it not as good as you expected. Write anemail to the customer service center to

1)complain the poorquality of the dictionary, and

2)give reasons foryour complaints。

Dear Mr. Wang,

As a regular customer, I am writing thisletter to complain about the quality of dictionary bought from thebookone.com。

I ordered an Oxford Dictionary ofContemporary English a week ago. Apart from the delayed delivery, many pagesin the dictionary are missing and some of the pages are reversed, which aretotally unacceptable to me。

I would like to get a refund or at leastchange it for a new one. And trust that you will now consider this matterseriously and make an effort to prevent the recurrence of this kind。

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming


Write a letter inquiring about a travel agencyabout the trip to Mount Huangshan. Some necessary details must be included. Donot sign your own name at the end of your letter, using “Li Ming” instead。

Dear Sir or Madam,

Iwould like to travel to Mount Huangshan this summer. I would be mostgrateful if you could send me information regarding the following information concernedin your agency because my friend John spoke highly of your service。

Myfamily will come with me. Therefore, I would like to know the details about

this trip, such as the accommodation, the plans and the money we will cost. Bythe way, how do you deliver these materials to me? What’s the deadlinebefore we make the final decision? How do I pay for you?

Thankyou for your attention. I am looking forward to your immediate response。

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming


Directions: You findyour study load is too heavy. Write a letter to your college teacher:

1) you need to withdraw from two courses,

2) explain the reasons,

3) ask if it is possible to obtain a refund。

Dear Professor Smith,

I am writing to formally request to withdraw from two courses: Introduction to Elementary Educationand Teaching Methods。

The main reason for reducing my course load is that I am finding it extremely difficultto manage six courses. Because I really have to work part time, Ihave no other choice but to decrease my course load. Besides,

I would also like to request a tuitionrefund. I am sorry for any inconveniences I have caused by this change inplans. This decision was not taken lightly, and I do appreciate the kindconsideration you have shown to me。

Thank you for your attention to these requests. If you have anyquestions, please feel free to contact me at 82036600. I look forward to hearing from you soon。

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming


Directions:Your friend Smith told you he had startedhis own business .Write a letter to him to congratulate him and give him somehelpful suggestions。

Dear Smith,(大家注意此处是逗号)

I washappy to learn that you had opened your own firm and Iwould like to express my warmest congratulations。

The finalrealization of your long-cherished dream should be attributed to yourdiligence, persistence and ambition. I am glad that your consistent pursuit ofdream is rewarded now. As a good friend of you, I advise you tokeep your ambition. Moreover, in response to challenges, please never tooverestimate the difficulties and underestimate your ability.

Pleaseaccept my congratulations again. And I do believe you and your firm

will achieve one success after another。


Li Ming(无符号,千万不要打点)



You have just returned from a visit to a university inGreat Britain. And you were warmly treated there by Professor Smith. Pleasewrite a letter to express your thanks to him for his hospitality。

Dear Prof. Smith,

I wouldlike to thank you very much for your kind hospitalityand the honor you showed me during my recent visit to your university。

It wasnice of you to introduce me so many of famous professors andcelebrated scholars at your university. I feelobliged to you for the selfless assistance you render me. I appreciate it morethan I can say。

Finally, I wish Ican have an opportunity to repay your kindness when youcome to China in the near future. Again withmany thanks。


Li Ming(无符号,千万不要打点)



You want to apply for the following job: a personal secretary to thegeneral manager, write a letter to Mr. Byron to:

1) show your interest,

2) describe yourself, and

3) explain why you would besuitable for the job。

Dear Mr. Byron,

I am writing to apply for(求职) the position as the personal secretary to the general manager./(求学)(the opportunity for further study in youruniversity)。

I am fully confident that I am the rightcandidate. To begin with, I major in secretary and will graduate from PekingUniversity. I have a good academic performance in school and have been the topfive students for four years in my grade. In addition, I am an open-minded,cooperative and ready-to-help girl。

Enclosed is my resume to provide additionalinformation. Thank you for your time and consideration. I am looking forward toyour reply at your earliest convenience。


Li Ming


