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[健康] 祖辈带养的孩子多肥胖

2015-07-29 15:58:17父母学堂
如今,中国7~18岁青少年中,超重或肥胖的有3000万人。英国伯明翰大学研究发现:相比由父母或其他人带养的孩子,主要由爷爷奶奶、外公外婆带养的小孩,超重或肥胖的几率要高出两倍以上,而且会进食较多不健康的零食和含糖饮料。而由至少两位祖辈代养的孩子,超重或肥胖的几率则更高。 Researcher



  Researchers at the UK 's University of Birmingham found that leaving children in the care of their grandparents can put the youngsters at greater risk of becoming obese.

  Chinese children who are mainly cared for by their grandparents are more than twice as likely to be overweight or obese, compared with those who are mainly looked after by their parents or other adults. Children who are mainly cared for by a grandparent also consume unhealthy snacks and drinks more frequently.



  The study found that grandparents contribute to the problem because of a lack of knowledge, and misunderstanding and poor recognition of the adverse health effects of childhood obesity.

  Many think fat children are healthier than thin ones, and they tend to over-feed youngsters in their care and excuse them from taking part in physical exercise.



  Affection for their treasured grandchild, and not want them to do anything.

  Many of them had personal experiences of starvation, and so want their grandchildren to stay as far from it as possible.



  In China, around half of urban families have grandparents involved in the care of children.



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