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[社会] 青岛夫妻与“小菜鸟们”的故事

2015-08-18 14:28:27父母学堂
来自山东省青岛市的一对夫妇这几年来一直致力于帮助“小菜鸟们”——随菜农父母来到城市居住、学习的农村孩子,生活区域主要在菜场周围。这对夫妇为“小菜鸟们”解决上学问题,还为他们提供丰富多彩的活动,帮助他们更好地适应城市生活。 A couple in the city of Qingdao in



  A couple in the city of Qingdao in Shandong have been working to try to help the children of migrant workers, offering schooling and other activities to help them adjust to life in a new city. [Photos: dailyqd.com]




  Sui and Liang have been volunteering in a local youth center for many years. In 2013, the Qingdao government launched venture philanthropy projects for young people. Thus, the couple designed a program for the children of local migrant workers. But they didn't expect there were nearly one hundred migrant children and most of them grew up in villages and followed their parents to the city.



  As their research proceeded, the couple found out that those migrant children are introverted, shy and less confident, compared with their city peers.



  So every weekend, Sui and Liang have taken those children for outdoor activities.From group rock climbing to charity bazaar, the couple has assisted these children to be adapted to city life. They even built a classroom near the market and name it as "Society of Learning".Liang emphasizes that parents and the society should do more to help those kids.



  By the end of 2014, the number of migrant workers in China rose to 274 million and the sum of migrant children is climbing every year.


  隋东明夫妻表示,他们愿意将这项活动坚持下去,希望通过一点一滴的努力,能让这些“小菜鸟们”慢慢融入城市生活,帮孩子们圆梦。[Photo: ImagineChina]

  版权所有:CRI NEWSPlus 英语环球广播

